Tukaj boste našli spisek pogostih vprašanj. Če še vedno ne najdete rešitve vašega problema, kliknite tukaj ali nam pošljite vprašanje/predlog na Piďż˝ite nam.

Zakaj je priporočljivo registrirati uporabniško ime?
Zakaj moram vpisati dva naslova elektronske pošte?
Ali moram sprejeti piškotke?
Kako se prijavim?
Ali imate težavo pri prijavi?
Kaj pomeni besedilo pod mojim uporabniškim imenom poleg sporočila?
Na kakšen način dobite titulo?
Pozabil(-a) sem geslo!
Kako spremenim geslo?
Kako dodam sliko sporočilu ali v podpis?
Ali je velikost slike v podpisu omejena?
Ali lahko sporočilu dodam datoteko?
Kakšna so pravila za ta forum?
Kako uredim svoj uporabniški profil?
Kako spremenim nastavitve prikaza?
Zakaj je naslov sporočila pomemben?
Kako lahko najdem sporočila na temo, ki me zanima?
Kaj pomeni utripajoče pisemce na vrhu strani ob izbirah?
Kaj pomenijo črke v seznamu prejetih zasebnih sporočil?
Imam probleme z URL tagi.
Kako lahko popravim že objavljeno sporočilo?
Kaj storiti, če objavim sporočilo v napačnem forumu?
Kaj pri pisanju sporočil pomeni Napiši sporočilo s pomočjo Markup in/ali HTML?
Kako v svojem sporočilu objavim anketo?
Hočem videti več/manj sporočil na stran.

Zakaj je priporočljivo registrirati uporabniško ime?
Če želite sodelovati v debatah na forumih in/ali objavljati sporočila v malih oglasih, je registracija obvezna, saj anonimni (neregistrirani) uporabniki sporočila lahko samo berejo. Z registracijo uporabniškega imena pridobite tudi vse možnosti, ki jih registriranim uporabnikom nudi tabla. Tako si lahko po vaših željah oblikujete svoj uporabniški profil (nastavitve izgleda table, opozarjanja/naročila na elektronski naslov, itd..), pošiljate in prejemate zasebna sporočila, ocenjujete teme in uporabnike, objavljate male oglase ter seveda aktivno sodelujete v debatah na forumih. Kot registriranemu uporabniku pa se vam na tabli ob vsaki prijavi in pri pregledovanju sporočil pokaže število novih sporočil, ki se po barvi ikone sporočila in oznaki Novo ločijo od tistih, ki ste jih pregledali ob vašem prejšnjem obisku.

Zakaj moram vpisati dva naslova elektronske pošte?
Pravi elektronski naslov se uporablja izključno za registracijo uporabnika, ter morebitno dostavo gesla, v primeru, da bi ga pozabili. Ta elektronski naslov je dostopen samo administratorju foruma. Drugi elektronski naslov pa je tisti, ki ga vidijo drugi uporabniki foruma in ni nujno, da je pravi.

Ali moram sprejeti piškotke?
Da. Piškotki se uporabljajo za beleženje, katera sporočila v forumih ste že prebrali. Brez piškotkov nekatere funkcije foruma ne bodo delovale pravilno.

Kako se prijavim?
If you have registered with these forums, you must log in to take advantage of the personalization of settings. To log in, look in the upper right-hand corner of your screen for the "Log In" link. This link will take you to a page where you can enter your Username (email address) and Password. Keep in mind that the password is always case-sensitive. This means that the software considers "S" and "s" to be different characters.

Once you have entered your Username (email address) and Password, you'll be brought to your Starting View. (You can change the page used for your Default Starting View by clicking "Edit Preferences" in the Forum Navigation island.) If you have any Private Messages waiting for you, you'll see a flashing envelope on the My Messages island. (Note that this only applies if the Private Messaging feature has been enabled by the Administrators of the board.)

Ali imate težavo pri prijavi?
This checklist may help you successfully log in:

1) Make sure you are entering your password correctly. Passwords are case-sensitive.
2) Ensure that your browser supports cookies; if so, check the security level you are using. High levels of security restriction in certain browsers will automatically reject cookies. In order to use the key features of these forums, you'll need to accept cookies. The maker of your browser can help you with additional problems you may have with your cookie settings.
3) Completely log out by hitting the Log Out link in the upper right-hand corner of the page, and then log back in again.
4) After logging in, you may have to hit the Reload or Refresh button on your browser to expedite the authentication.
5) If these steps don't work you can try purging your cookies for this site using the My Cookies tool.
6) If you continue to have problems, go to the Log In page and click "Ste pozabili svoje podatke za prijavo?". Enter your real email address into the Email Address field and a temporary password will be emailed to the email address used for the account setup.

Kaj pomeni besedilo pod mojim uporabniškim imenom poleg sporočila?
It's a system-generated User Title to give ranking to your postcount. You will progress through the various levels according to the cumulative number of posts you have made.

Na kakšen način dobite titulo?
Everyone has a title within the forum. You will notice the title below the Display Name in each post. Some titles are automatically assigned based on the number of posts a user has made, and some titles are assigned by the forum owner to denote official representatives of the company or other VIPs in the forums.

0	otročiček
25 ciciban
50 pionirček
100 mladinec
200 dijak
400 fazan
700 študent
1200 absolvent
1600 diplomiranec
2500 magister
5000 doktor
10000 akademik
Pozabil(-a) sem geslo!
If you have forgotten your password, dont worry! You can very easily have a temporary password emailed to you. Go to the Log In page and click "Have you forgotten your login information?". Enter your real email address into the Email Address field and a temporary password will be emailed to the email address used for the account setup.

This process is safe because the password is only emailed to the original owner of the account. There is no way to steal the password by using this feature.

Kako spremenim geslo?
You may change your password any time. On the Forum Navigation island, click "Edit Profile". Edit the Password and Verify Password fields and then click "Submit" to save the information. (Keep in mind that passwords are case-sensitive.)

Kako dodam sliko sporočilu ali v podpis?
In order to add an image to your message or your signature, you must have the image already available on a web server and reachable by a URL. This can be an image on your own personal web page, for example. To place an image within a message, simply use the following Markup Tag:


For example, if you have an image called cateye.gif and its available from your own website at http://www.mywebsite.com/pics, then you would use the following image markup:


You can do the same for your signature. Click the Moj profil option found on any page. Then, under the Main Configuration heading, click on "Personal Information, email, password...". Look for the Signature box, and enter your desired information, including any images/markup as above.

Note: To keep the forums loading quickly for everyone, it is recommended that you do not exceed 35k for your image size.

Ali je velikost slike v podpisu omejena?
We ask that you keep your images relatively small. As a rule, please do not exceed 125 x 600 pixels and/or 35k for a signature image. This will ensure that the forums load quickly for all users.

Ali lahko sporočilu dodam datoteko?
If you have a browser that is Mozilla 4+ compatible then yes, you can. When you preview your post you will have the opportunity to attach a file to your post.

Kakšna so pravila za ta forum?
Registration as a user implies acceptance of the following terms and conditions:
- Participants shall not post any material that is likely to cause offence, protected by copyright, trademark or other proprietary right - without the express permission of the owner of such copyright - or that contains personal contact information, phone numbers or addresses.
- Participants may not use the forums to post or transmit advertisements or commercial solicitations of any kind.
- The forum Administrators and Moderators have the right to edit, censor, delete or otherwise modify any posted message.
- This web site does not verify or guarantee the accuracy of the material posted to the forums or bear any responsibility for any loss, damage, or other liabilities caused by any posted message.

Kako uredim svoj uporabniški profil?
Click the "Edit Profile" link on the Forum Navigation island.

Kako spremenim nastavitve prikaza?
Yes, you'll be missing a trick if you fail to take advantage of the versatility offered. There are many aspects of how the Forums are displayed that may be customized. On the Forum Navigation island, click "Edit Preferences".

You can choose the stylesheet in which you wish to view the forums, how many posts are displayed on each page, whether or not you want to view users' pictures alongside their posts, and much more. Once saved, these become your default settings. You may edit these preferences again at anytime.

Zakaj je naslov sporočila pomemben?
The first post of a given topic establishes the subject by which all subsequent replies will be known. Once there's been a reply, the topic subject cannot be subsequently changed. It's therefore important to get the subject right from the outset. Make it as descriptive and as specific as possible. For example, 'LCD burn-in questions', is much better than something completely generic, such as 'Newbie needs help!'. Not only is it more likely to elicit a response, but it'll also make it much easier for all posts in the topic to be subsequently located.

Kako lahko najdem sporočila na temo, ki me zanima?
One of the key benefits of the discussion board format is that it enables commonly asked questions to be answered once, for the benefit of all. Before posting your question, it is always worth checking to see if it has already been asked - and answered! You can do this via the Search island. Using the Search island, you can perform a quick keyword search, or click on the "Advanced" button to search by more specific criteria. Various options are available, both for how the search term is specified and for controlling how many forums you want to search. This is where the specificity of topic subjects is important, making it much easier to locate precisely what it is you're after from a list of search results.

Kaj pomeni utripajoče pisemce na vrhu strani ob izbirah?
It means that you have unread Private Messages.

Kaj pomenijo črke v seznamu prejetih zasebnih sporočil?
'N' denotes an unread (new) message.
'R' denotes a message that it has a new reply.
A space denotes a message that's been read but has no reply.

Imam probleme z URL tagi.
If the tags are showing up in your text or you're getting a link, but it's to 'http:///', you're including some unwanted spaces in the syntax. Avoid any intervening spaces, and everything will work fine.

Kako lahko popravim že objavljeno sporočilo?
Users can edit their own posts up to 10000 minutes after they are made. Where the change is substantial, it is courteous mark the post as edited so as to alert readers to the changed content. For cosmetic changes, it's better not to do so.

Kaj storiti, če objavim sporočilo v napačnem forumu?
Let the forum Administrator or Moderator know - he/she will be able to move it for you.

Kaj pri pisanju sporočil pomeni Napiši sporočilo s pomočjo Markup in/ali HTML?
There are 2 ways that this can be configured on a per-forum basis. If HTML is On then you will see HTML is On and you can use normal HTML in your posts. If UBBCode is on you will see UBBCode is On. The following tags are available for your use if UBBCode is enabled:

[b] text [/b] = Makes the given text bold.
[email] joe@email.com [/email] = Makes the given email address clickable.
[i] text [/i] = Makes the given text italic.
[u] text [/u] = Underlines the given text.
[code] text [/code] = Surrounds the given text with pre tags.
[quote] text [/quote] = Surrounds the given text with blockquote and hr's. This UBBCode tag is used for quoting a reply.
[url] link [/url] = Makes the given url into a link.
[url=link] title [/url] = Makes the given title into a hyperlink pointing to link.
[*]Item 1
[*]Item 1
= Makes a bullet list. [list=A] or [list=1] will make order/numbered lists.
[color:red] text [/color] = Makes the given text red.
[color:#00FF00] text [/color] = Makes the given text green.
Kako v svojem sporočilu objavim anketo?
Putting a poll in your post is simple.

If polls are enabled, start by creating a new post in a forum. Below the body of your post, you will see a text box that allows you to specify how many polls you want to have in your post and the system will guide you through the rest.

Hočem videti več/manj sporočil na stran.
You can change the number of posts displayed on each page by editing your display preferences. You can set this to anything between 1 and 99 posts per page. By default, this is set to 10 posts per page.

Iskanje po tabli
Ne Po To Sr Če Pe So
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18 19
20 21 22 23 24 25 26
27 28 29 30 31
Rojstni dnevi naših uporabnikov
Vse najboljše machek (40), tomaz (37).
Kdo je na tabli
0 registriranih in 385 anonimnih uporabnikov.
Novi uporabniki
štirica, dimce1, Jablan, TanjaJuran, uporabnik123
2359 Registrirani uporabniki
Statistika table
2359 uporabnikov
30 forumov
3859 tem
38087 sporočil

Največ uporabnikov hkrati je bilo: 994 @ 17.12.07. 20:23