Tole bom pustil kar v anglescini \:\) ... mogoce enkrat kasneje prevedem... ce bo povprasevanje po tem... Datoteke ze vkljucujejo tudi prej omenjeni popravek za prikaz telefonskih stevilk za verzijo 1.1.2

Caller-ID Matching fix for various operators (v1.1.2)

I am starting this thread to make things a bit easier for new users who upgraded to v1.1.2 and have problems with crashing and CALLER-ID matching. I am posting files & instructions to fix the above problems. Files have to be tailored for specific operator/country. Feel free to add files for your local operators and I will try to sort the list:

EDIT: Added modified UIPhoneFormats.plist for Slovenia.
29341 - Mobitel Slovenia - Vger
29340 - Si.mobil Slovenia - Jest
22801 - Swisscom Mobile Switzerland - iBos
21901 - Tmobile Croatia - Sassha

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