12.04.06. 20:25
Navodila za snemanje lastnih zvokov za TomTom

Tukaj so navodila, kako in s katerimi orodji si naredimo lastne zvoke za TomTom >> ...

Se bo kdo postopil tega? Da bomo imeli tudi za TomTom SLO zvoke...

03.05.06. 07:12
Re: Navodila za snemanje lastnih zvokov za TomTom

Prevesti in posneti je potrebno tele fraze:

# '2ndLeft.ogg' => 'Take the second left'
# '2ndRight.ogg' => 'Take the second right'
# '3rdLeft.ogg' => 'Take the third left'
# '3rdRight.ogg' => 'Take the third right'
# '50.ogg' => '50'
# '80.ogg' => '80'
# '100.ogg' => '100'
# '200.ogg' => '200'
# '300.ogg' => '300'
# '400.ogg' => '400'
# '500.ogg' => '500'
# '600.ogg' => '600'
# '700.ogg' => '700'
# '800.ogg' => '800'
# 'After.ogg' => 'After'
# 'AhExit.ogg' => 'Exit ahead'
# 'AhExitLeft.ogg' => 'ahead, Exit left'
# 'AhExitRight.ogg' => 'ahead, Exit right'
# 'AhFerry.ogg' => 'Ferry ahead'
# 'AhKeepLeft.ogg' => 'Ahead, keep left'
# 'AhKeepRight.ogg' => 'Ahead, keep right'
# 'AhLeftTurn.ogg' => 'Left turn ahead'
# 'AhRightTurn.ogg' => 'Right turn ahead'
# 'AhUTurn.ogg' => 'U-turn ahead'
# 'Arrive.ogg' => 'You have reached your destination'
# 'BearLeft.ogg' => 'Bear left'
# 'BearRight.ogg' => 'Bear right'
# 'Charge.ogg' => 'Congestion charge'
# 'Depart.ogg' => 'Depart'
# 'KeepLeft.ogg' => 'Keep left'
# 'KeepRight.ogg' => 'Keep right'
# 'LnLeft.ogg' => 'Stay in the left lane'
# 'LnRight.ogg' => 'Stay in the right lane'
# 'Meters.ogg' => 'Metres' < Note the American spelling of Metres!
# 'MwEnter.ogg' => 'Take the motorway'
# 'MwExit.ogg' => 'Leave the motorway'
# 'MwExitLeft.ogg' => 'Leave the motorway at the exit on the left'
# 'MwExitRight.ogg' => 'Leave the motorway at the exit on the right'
# 'RbBack.ogg' => 'Go around the roundabout'
# 'RbCross.ogg' => 'Cross the roundabout'
# 'RbExit1.ogg' => 'First exit'
# 'RbExit2.ogg' => 'Second exit'
# 'RbExit3.ogg' => 'Third exit'
# 'RbExit4.ogg' => 'Fourth exit'
# 'RbExit5.ogg' => 'Fifth exit'
# 'RbExit6.ogg' => 'Sixth exit'
# 'RbLeft.ogg' => 'Go left on the roundabout'
# 'RbRight.ogg' => 'Go right on the roundabout'
# 'RoadEnd.ogg' => 'At the end of the road'
# 'SharpLeft.ogg' => 'Sharp left'
# 'SharpRight.ogg' => 'Sharp right'
# 'Straight.ogg' => 'Go straight on'
# 'TakeFerry.ogg' => 'Take the ferry'
# 'Then.ogg' => 'Then'
# 'TryUTurn.ogg' => 'Turn around when possible'
# 'TurnLeft.ogg' => 'Turn left'
# 'TurnRight.ogg' => 'Turn Right'
# 'UTurn.ogg' => 'Make a U-turn'
# 'Yards.ogg' => 'Yards'

04.06.06. 20:58
Re: Navodila za snemanje lastnih zvokov za TomTom

V sodelovanju z , Monacom, mobisuxom in se kom je nastalo tole >> KLIK - glasovno vodenje v slovenscini

13.06.06. 10:04
Re: Navodila za snemanje lastnih zvokov za TomTom

V priponki sta dva SLO voica za TomTom (moski in zenski glas)...

KLIK (cca. 1,2 MB)

13.06.06. 17:37
Re: Navodila za snemanje lastnih zvokov za TomTom

Ce pa ima se kdo drug moznost snemanja v studiu pa naj se oglasi in bomo naredili se kaksno verzijo!

btw, kdo je sploh razrezal in kompresiral te zvoke?